What to Eat Before a Workout, and When.

What to Eat Before a Workout, and When.

Ever had a fully loaded meal and then tried to go for a run right after? Of course not! Eating just before a run can feel like hitting a brick wall.

Sure, you need calories and carbs for energy, but not just any kind and not at just any time. A full meal, for example, has plenty of calories carbs and proteins, but is it the right meal before a workout? The right types of food (at the right time) can boost your energy during exercise, enhance your workout, and even help reduce muscle damage that naturally occurs during exercise.

Here are some meal plans to pair with your workout routine…


What if I only have 30 minutes before starting my workout?

Many morning exercisers fall into this category: get up and go, even when you don’t necessarily feel like it.

When there’s limited time for digestion, the food you eat must be very easy to digest. Carbs are your best bet: fruit, a slice of toast with honey, coconut water, or a few dates are perfect pre-workout snacks when you’re pressed for time.

Fats and protein take longer for your body to digest and require more oxygen, which is why they aren’t ideal right before exercise. We hope you have a new perspective on the use of "protein bars" as a pre-activity fuel.

A 30 min window is perfect for the right energy bar. Try our Pure Fuel Energy Bars for your next activity when you are short on time. 


I have 1-2 hours before exercise. What should I eat?

If you have more than an hour to digest food, you should include some fat and/or protein in your meal or snack.

This combination of macros provides more calories and lets the carbs break down slowly and steadily leading into exercise (meaning you won’t burn through all your carbs before you even get to the gym).

Try adding peanut butter to your toast, mixing greek yogurt with your fruit, or grabbing a Pure Fuel Bar in this time frame. All these options offer a good base of carbohydrates with the right balance of protein and fat to prep you for exercise. Do you like working out at 5 pm after the office closes? Have a Pure Fuel Bar at 3 pm, and you’ll be ready to go by 5 pm with a kick of caffeine as well !


I prefer having a meal before exercise. How long does it need to digest?

The more fat and protein in a meal, the more time needed for digestion. (Think about a big steak dinner or a Thanksgiving feast with all the trimmings and pie: you’ll need a few hours before you’re ready to move.)

A full meal with larger portions of carbs, fats, and protein should be eaten about 3 hours before exercise.

If you’re a mid-morning or mid-afternoon exerciser, your breakfast or lunch will fuel your workout. And if three hours is too long to wait, eat a Pure Fuel Energy Bar about a half-hour before your workout. The nutrients and caffeine will supplement what you ate earlier and provide you with slow-burning energy.


It’s all about balance:

Getting the right amount of macros in your food, giving yourself enough time to digest, and making the most out of those macros in every workout.

Your fueling strategy might vary day-to-day depending on your schedule, so plan ahead and think about the timing that will work best for you to get the most out of your exercise.


Ready to try our Pure Fuel Caffeinated Energy Bars? Order your box here 👈

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